Patricia Ryan, PhD


Patricia Ryan is Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Golgi, where she leads strategic planning for Golgi-CONNECT.  She received her PhD at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Patricia has been committed to improving the lives of people diagnosed with cancer her entire professional career. Her early career was focused on direct patient care, hospice, and end-of-life.  Patricia served as the Chair of Nursing at Midway College and following a Post-Doc, transitioned to Medical Affairs in the pharmaceutical industry where she participated in the development of several novel therapies including Abraxane, Velcade, Imbruvica, and Brukinsa. Patricia has worked closely with oncology patients, their families, oncology healthcare providers as well as pharmaceutical  executives.  Patricia has seen the challenges in developing effective therapies for individuals with cancer from designing appropriate trials and identifying clinical trials sites to the education of principal investigators and research staff to ensure enrollment and successful trial completion.  Patricia is excited to usher Golgi-CONNECT into the healthcare arena to enable a more streamlined and enhanced collaboration between Healthcare Providers and Pharmaceutical Companies based on expressed interests and precise matching.


Jennifer Harris, PharmD


Carl Harris, CPA