Golgi-Connect™ modernizes how health care professionals identify and connect with pharmaceutical companies to advance research collaborations and data discussion.

How It Works

HCPs create a profile and self-define areas of collaboration interest

Pharma companies list their opportunities across 5 areas of collaboration

Sophisticated algorithms match HCP interest to pharma opportunities. When a two-way match is made, a communication channel is opened for further focused discussion.

Unlike our competitors, we don’t rely on data analytics to identify and profile experts. Our approach is to ask the experts to define their interests themselves. Once there is a match, we make the connection for a more focused discussion in precise areas of collaboration interest.

What sets us apart

We are a team of scientists, researchers and health care professionals who have worked in pharmaceutical industry roles for 20+ years across clinical development, medical affairs and scientific affairs.

Who We Are

We have experienced first-hand the challenges related to identifying and connecting with the right collaborators that are critical for product development.

We also know the frustrations of physicians and other health care professionals regarding how to identify the right clinical trials for their patients and/or how to contact pharmaceutical experts when questions arise about clinical data/ how the data applies to special populations.

Golgi-CONNECT offers a solution that addresses these challenges for both Pharma and HCPs.

Leadership Team

Golgi-CONNECT™ and Lithios

We have partnered with the team at Lithios to create Golgi-CONNECT. Lithios is a Raleigh-based software development agency that has been in the business of delivering the best practices in the production of web and mobile applications since their inception in 2014. They have a deep understanding of the healthcare space and years of expertise in creating two-sided marketplaces, making them a great fit for our needs here at Golgi.