For HCPs

Are you a community-based health care professional and would like to offer clinical trials to your patients but don’t know how to find the right trials for your specific patients needs?

Do you want to keep a pipeline of trials available at your practice site?

Are you an emerging academic based health care professional that has interest in being an investigator for a clinical trial but you don’t know how to connect with pharma to discuss your specific interests about clinical trials or investigator sponsored research opportunities?

Are you an experienced clinical researcher who wants to shift your focus to advisory functions in specific areas of research?

Are you a health care professional that has specific questions about new product data presented at a conference or a recently approved product but you don’t know how to connect with the company medical affairs team to discuss?

There are no fees associated with using Golgi-CONNECT for HCPs EVER.

Golgi-CONNECT™ can help with all of these issues

Contact us to learn more or discuss participating in our Golgi-CONNECT™ pilot project