The Science of Early Adopters and How It Can Benefit Healthcare

Have you ever wondered where the term “early adopter” originated? The term refers to individuals or businesses who are the first to adopt a new product, innovation or technology. The theory of early adoption was first introduced by Everett M. Rogers, an American Communication Theorist and Sociologist.

Rogers’ model described 5 types of adopters: innovators, early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and the laggards.

Early adopters demonstrate a willingness to support new ideas and embrace change. They typically have financial fluidity, advanced education, and are more socially forward than late adopters. Individuals and businesses who adopt new technologies and innovations benefit by influencing the new concept with their feedback. Often, early adopters influence broader acceptance of new technologies by the general population.

Rogers outlined five characteristics that potential adopters evaluate when deciding whether to adopt an innovation:

1. Low Complexity/ Simplicity: Is the innovation easy to use or adopt?

2. Observability: Are its benefits noticeable?

3. Compatibility: How well does this innovation fit with existing ways of working?

4. Trialability: Can you try it before you buy it?

5. Relative Advantage: In what way is this innovation better than alternative approaches?

Rogers proposed that innovations that have low complexity, observability, compatibility, trialability and a high relative advantage have the highest likelihood of success.

Golgi has developed a new HCP-PHARMA collaboration hub entitled, Golgi-CONNECT™. The software utilizes a familiar format actively deployed in other industries. Healthcare Providers (HCPs) create a profile which includes information about their therapeutic focus, practice site and collaboration interest which enables precise matching to PHARMA company opportunities.

If you are a Healthcare Provider or Pharma company who is open to innovation, Golgi would like to invite you to participate in our Golgi-CONNECT™ pilot. Visit our website or contact us at for more information.


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